Monday, July 19, 2004

Good Times

Nothing important to post about really, just a few thoughts I've had recently. To start off, let me provide you with a little backstory. So, I spent the majority of my Saturday afternoon at my cousin's graduation party. It was alright, I didn't do anything exciting, but I did play some horseshoes (which I really suck at, by the way), a little football, and some volleyball. After the party, I went bowling with my friends Paul, Matt, Jimmy, Mark, and a few other people. On the way to the bowling alley, the subject of masturbation came up. Matt, Mark, Jimmy, and I were in the car, and we decided to come up with a slogan for KY Jelly. It didn't take long before Matt came up with: "Don't go dry, use KY." No one could top that, so we decided to send it in to the company that manufactures KY. Let me tell you all one thing, this little slogan could make us millions, or at the very least a lifetime supply of KY jelly. Well, the company would probably be better off if they just gave us the millions, considering the rate at which I masturbate, but that is neither here nor there.

Okay, so enough about that, moving on to a different subject. So, everyday coming home from work, I pass a little place called "Gentle Dentist." Now, is it just me or did this place miss a layup and a half. I mean, they couldn't have called it Gentle Dental? Whoever owns that place should be very ashamed. I should write a letter to them demanding that they change their name. The God damn name flows so much better because it rhymes. I mean, what would have happened if Fudge didn't use the slogan "Fudge for Judge." I'll tell you what would have happened, he would have lost the election, and he'd be hitting rock bottom right about now. Well, probably not, but he would have lost the election, and that would have been a crime in and of itself, albeit a victimless crime.

Speaking of victimless crimes, the topic of homosexual sodomy has been indirectly discussed on this blog, so it is a nice little segue for my next revelation. Okay, so today while at work, I got to thinking...why doesn't God rain on all the gay pride parades? I mean, if God hates gays so much, why doesn't he just thwart their pride right then and there. Without their pride, the gays are nothing more than glorified ass explorers. To me, this is just further proof that there is no God, but I'll let you make your own conclusions.

Well, that is all the A-rated comedy (which in all actuality is probably D-rated comedy, but I digress) that I have for you tonight. Maybe I'll post again tomorrow because I don't work, but no promises. Good night everyone.


  1. if you knew anything about GOD you would now that not how she works many gay people beleave in GOD

  2. I could be wrong, but if there is a God, I don't think God is a he or a she, but "he" is in the form of a male, so I guess he would be considered a man if anything. So, I am basically agreeing with Rich.

    To the Anonymous person, I am fully aware of the fact that many gay people believe in God, but I fail to understand why. I mean, if I were gay, which I'm not, I would not want to worship a religion that disapproved my sexuality. It makes very little sense to embrace a faith that doesn't respect your sexual perference.

    This sort of indirectly brings up another point, which is, (if there is a God) then why are we here? I mean, the majority of humankind serves a purpose, but very few of us serve a meaningful purpose.

    What I am trying to say is that we, as humans, usually do more harm than good. Take the environment for example, that is well on its way to disaster, mostly because of human intervention. I am not trying to sound like some tree hugging hippy here, but all I am trying to point out is that this world was not "created" just for us, despite what some religious people may believe. I could go on for pages about religion, which I probably will someday, but I will save that for another time.
