Friday, October 07, 2005

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

Who says that the Christmas season is the most wonderful time of the year. Although Fall is my least favorite time of year, in terms of seasons, fall is my favorite time of year for sports. Football is beginning to take shape, baseball is in full swing with the playoffs, and hockey is just getting started. Oh, and not to mention basketball, even though it's my least favorite of the four major sports. Basketball doesn't start until November though, so it's not quite that time of year just yet. In any event, this time of year is what makes it great to be a sports fan.

I'm especially excited about hockey. I really really missed it. As I illustrated in my previous post, I'm in eight fantasy hockey pools. The one I really hope to win is the one I'm in with my friends. I like my chances. And in order to increase my chances, I dropped 129 bucks into NHL Center Ice the other day. Even if I don't win my pool, I'll have a blast watching hockey all season. And let me say one thing about the new NHL ads. They aren't that great, I don't care for them, but they aren't for the avid hockey fan anyway. The new ads are for the fringe fan. And if the ads get more fringe fans to watch the game, then great. Anything to increase the popularity of the game is fine in my book.

I also heard about the activist woman who had a problem with the ads. If you haven't heard about that, go here. I know I'm a little late on this, but here's my take. People of her variety like to look too deeply into things. She's the kind of person who would think you were calling her a fat ass if you asked her if she wanted to go to the gym with you later. These people have an obscure concept of reality. The purpose of any ad is to sell a product. If the ad sells the product, it has done its job. If you don't like the add, you have one of two choices. You can either buy the product anyway or you can refuse to buy the product (in this case, replace buy with watch). It's a simple concept really. If you really don't like the ad for a product, don't buy (watch) the product. By causing this controversey, the only thing you are doing is drawing more attention to the ad.

Now, you may be saying to yourself, "Self, I thought Ken said that he didn't like the ad either." Yes, I did say that, but the reason I have is different from Martha Burk's reason. The new NHL ads are too Hollywood for my blood. However, that doesn't mean I won't watch hockey. I don't need hockey to be sold to me because I already love it. As I said, the new ads are for those that need hockey to be sold to them (the fringe fan). In closing, I would just like to remind Martha Burk that 7-11 sells tampons. It must be that time of the month for her. And on that sexist note, I'm ending this paragraph.

As I'm typing this, the Red Sox have been swept by the White Sox. I must say, I'm very happy about this. Over the past year, I've had an assfull of Boston area fans, especially Red Sox fans. I was happy for them last year, but I hope it takes another 86 years for the Red Sox to win another World Series. And now, with the early departure of the Red Sox, I can only hope that the New England Patriots share the same fate. I don't think I could take another Super Bowl win by the Pats. The Patriots have won three of the last four Super Bowls, so it's time to share the wealth. You can't win every year and there's nothing worse than a Boston fan...except maybe a New York fan.

Well, I had some more things that I wanted to talk about, but this update is already too long. Maybe tomorrow. You stay classy, San Diego.

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