Sunday, June 26, 2005


Okay. I need to get something off my chest before my head fucking explodes. Has anyone out there seen the "terrorist attack plan" commercials? If you haven't, the commercials encourage parents to talk to their children about what to do in case of a terrorist attack. Now, is it just me, or is this not a complete waste of taxpayer dollars? A terrorist attack plan? I don't even have a fucking plan for what to do in case of a fire, which, by the way, is a million times more likely to occur than a terrorist attack on or near my house! ARE THE POWERS THAT BE IN THIS COUNTRY INSANE? A terrorist attack plan? Really? You idiots are actually encouraging people, better yet, scaring people, into thinking a terrorist attack could happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time? And everybody is okay with this? What a colossal waste, but hey, I've come to expect that from my government. And people say that liberals are paranoid. What do these ads say about conservatives? Isn't that also paranoia? It's a rhetorical question. You don't have to actually answer it. Feel free though, if you like. Here's the site, if you want to check it out.

Okay, now that I'm done with that rant, I have another. If you didn't already know, I'm an atheist. It isn't really fair for me to say that there isn't a god, but it also isn't fair for theists to say that there is. In my mind, it is impossible to know, but deep down, I truly do not think there is a god. I guess you could say I'm agnostic, or a mix between the two. In any event, I've declared my major and it's atheism. Now, the purpose of this introduction is to point out the hypocrisy of people. But as I've demonstrated, I'm a hypocrite. You're a hypocrite. Just about everyone is hypocritical in some regard. I'm probably not making much sense right now, but stick with me.

In my opinion, religious people tend to be more hypocritical than atheists. Look no further than the biblical principle of judge not. You are told not to judge, but there is just one problem with that. Everyone judges. It is what humans do. We judge situations, we judge people, we judge everything. Is it so wrong to judge? I think the answer to that question, in most cases, is no. A religious person, more often than not, will disagree. But in reality, religious people are also very judgmental. And there is nothing wrong with that. I'm just saying, if you believe it is "wrong" to judge, then don't judge. If you believe it is "wrong" to have an abortion, then don't have an abortion. If you believe it is "wrong" to be gay, then don't be gay. Go ahead and let "God" sort out the sinners. You don't worry about them and just live your life as best you can.

Imagine the kind of world we'd live in if religious people just stuck to their guns. If they just stuck to their beliefs. There would be virtually no murder, stealing, or adultery. People would be more generous, there wouldn't be as many poor people, and there wouldn't be any wars going on throughout the world. Oh, and by the way, what do most wars center around? Religion. Take the current "war" on terrorism, for example.

Here is another problem I have with the Christian religion. Most Christians, and I'm not sure if this is true with other religions, believe that people are inheritantly evil. Well, let me tell you, I didn't sign up for that. I do not think that people are inhertitantly evil, not in the slightest. People are not born evil, they become evil. Generally speaking, people are modified by their environment. If you come from a loving, caring home, you will most likely become a loving caring person. There are exceptions, of course. If you come from a broken home, a home with little to no love, you will not become a loving caring person.

In addition to that, if you are told, at a very young age, that you will be greeted by 1,000 virgins in heaven if you die while committing a terrorist act, you will believe that. And it has nothing to do with people being inheritantly evil. It is basic human behavior. If you are told something over and over again as a child, you usually carrying that belief with you into adulthood. If you are molested, sexually abused, physically abused, verbally abused, etc. as a child, you usually carry that behavior with you into adulthood. In other words, you think that it is okay to do said act to someone else. And that, in my opinion, is how humans work.

In closing, I just have one final thing to say. Do not push your beliefs onto other people. You may be saying, "but that is what you're doing right now." That isn't what I'm trying to do though. I want to make this quite clear. I want you to believe whatever you want to believe. It's up to you to decide what you believe and what you don't believe. All I want you to do is consider other viewpoints. Even if you don't agree with them, consider other viewpoints. It is tough sometimes, but it makes you a better person.

Well, that's all I have to say tonight. You stay classy, San Diego.

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