Monday, November 30, 2009

Tim Tebow

If you don't know who Tim Tebow is, go do a quick Google search and familiarize yourself with him. Also "familiarize" yourself with his girlfriend, if you know what I mean. If you don't feel like doing that, I'll just say that he's a college football star that plays for the Florida Gators, and his girlfriend has big tits.

Let me start off by telling you about a chance encounter I had with Tim Tebow. Back in 2007, during the early days of the Tebow legend, I went on vacation with my family down in Florida. We were out at a restaurant, and I had to use the bathroom, so I excused myself and made my way over to the men's room.

As I walked through the restroom door, none other than Tim Tebow was at the only urinal. I waited politely for him to finish, and let him walk by me without saying a word because it's awkward to talk to anyone, especially the Supreme Overlord and Master of the Universe, in the bathroom. It took me a while to pull myself together, but then I remembered why I was in the bathroom in the first place, so I went over to the urinal to relieve myself. And wouldn't you know it, as soon as I finished pissing, the bladder infection that I failed to mention until now was gone. And I didn't even have to have some strange black guy touch my junk! I just had to use the same urinal as Tim, and boom, it was gone. And even though Tim was probably in the parking lot by then, resurrecting a dead mouse or something, I said a prayer to thank him, hoping that God would relay the message.

Oh, you don't believe me, do you? Well, you're right. The story was total bullshit. And it may sound like I hate Tim Tebow, but I don't. I'm sure he's a quality individual, I'd probably even let him fuck my sister. I just think that people are a little over the top with him. Every time I watch a game he's playing in, and even sometimes a game he's not playing in, I'm subjected to the announcers just gushing over him. It's like John Madden with Brett Farve, except no one's on the telestrator drawing objects that look strangely like penises. Anyway, they go on and on about how great Tim is, about how he circumcises Filipino babies in his spare time, about how they talked to him before the game and now they are a much better person because of it. They even read the Bible verse he had written on his eye black this past Saturday.

So, to all you people out there who think he's great, we get it. He's better than us. He's better than you. He's better than me. While we're out there being unproductive sinning members of society, he's saving the world one circumcision at a time. Oh, and through the words of Jesus Christ too probably. He is a leader among men, a god among mortals, a gator among crocodiles, and we are merely left to worship at his altar. Except he wouldn't want us to do that, of course, because it would take away from his message that Christ is the only thing that you should worship. He's humble like that.

Anyway, that was my rant about Tim Tebow. And like I said, I don't hate him. I just don't think that he's as amazing as most people think he is, but I could be wrong. What are your thoughts?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I'll take famous titties for 400

Let me start off the post by saying that I know Jeopardy gives you the answer (which is the question), and then you give Alex (that pompous ass) your response in the form of a question (which is the answer). While typing this post, however, I thought it would be confusing to the reader if I referred to the answer (which is the question) as such, and the question (which is the answer) as such. I'm going to call the answer the question, and the question the answer. Confused yet? Read on....

Okay, so on Thursday's (11-19) Jeopardy, there was a question in which I thought the answer strippers applied. Boy, oh boy, was I wrong. The category was Un-Outsourceable (jobs that are not likely to go overseas). Let me first tell you what I thought the question was:

These public service workers who traditionally slide down a pole

Notice the word service. I obviously wasn't paying very good attention, because the actual wording was this (I looked it up on the Internet just now):

These public safety workers who traditionally slide down a pole

The answer was, of course, "What is a fireman." I spent pretty much the rest of the show complaining to my grandma (whom I watch the show with) that my answer would have been acceptable. I even went on about how it was a Celebrity Jeopardy, and one of the celebrities should have just said it for the laughs. I also argued with my grandma that strippers provide a public service just like a fireman (and they do!).

Anyways, I just thought I would share that.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Ken, you're doing it wrong

I don't know, maybe I suck at life, but I just don't understand people who get so excited over certain things. This is in reference to the Twilight movie that just came out. I just don't understand people who get so excited to see a movie, or read a book, or play a game, that they have to stay up until midnight to do it.

First off, I want to state that I have never and will never read the Twilight books (or see the movies). I know a little bit about them, from talking to a few people who have read them, and they just don't seem to be for me. Sparkling vampires, to me, are lame. Vampires that don't drink human blood, and have no fangs anyway, are super lame. These things probably aren't central to the plot or anything (maybe?), but you throw in the fact that it's basically a romance novel with vampires, and I have no interest in reading/seeing it.

Now, I'm not some sort of a snob who turns his nose up to a book/movie just because it's popular. I've read/seen all the Harry Potter books/movies and I enjoyed them all. Sure, they aren't the best books/movies I've read/seen, but I enjoyed them nonetheless. I've just never been so excited about them that I would even consider staying up until midnight just to be one of the first to read/see the latest book/movie.

When it comes to games, something I spend most of my time doing, I don't even get that excited. I'm not a big gamer by any stretch of the imagination, but I do play a game called World of Warcraft. Some people who are big gamers may view me, as a World of Warcraft player, the same way I view the Twilight fans (i.e. lame). However, the two reasons I play are a) it kills a lot of time and b) it's relatively cheap. I can't afford to do much else right now, and at only 15 dollars a month, I get a lot of bang for my buck. Anyway, on to my point.

Last November, Blizzard (the company that makes WoW) came out with an expansion for the game. There was a midnight release around where I live, and for the briefest of seconds, I thought about going. I thought to myself though, "Why do it? It won't kill me to wait until the morning." At that point, I decided to wait until the morning and I was right. It didn't kill me to wait.

So, my first question is the question I asked myself. Why do it? Why go to the midnight release of something? Do you go to prove to everybody how big of a fan you are? Do you go because you want to be all hip and trendy? Do you go so that you can tell everybody that you went? Do you go to just pass the time, out of sheer boredom? Do you go just because it's something to do?

My second question is from the opening thought of this post. Why do people get so excited over certain things? And this doesn't just apply to movies, books and video games. Some people get really excited to see a band/concert (I have never went to see a band before and I have no desire to go to a concert). Some people get super excited to meet a celebrity/sports star (I guess it would be cool to meet my favorite celebrity/sports star, but I would never send them fan mail or actively seek them out). Some people get excited to go to a sporting event (I've went to sporting events before, but I don't even cheer or scream when something good happens for my team).

I don't know, maybe I'm not normal, maybe I'm not human. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. And I've always been like this, for as long as I can remember. Anyways, I know that these questions will go unanswered, seeing as how no one reads this. They are pretty much rhetorical questions anyway, so there. Five Internets go to anyone who answering them though.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Why I Hate Fantasy Football

I'm going full disclosure here, I used to play fantasy football. However, what happened this past weekend reminded me of one of the reasons why I no longer participate in it.

If you didn't see the Jaguars-Jets game (don't worry, I didn't either), then you might of missed what happened. The score was 22-21 in favor of the Jets. With under 2 minutes on the clock in the fourth quarter, the Jaguars had the ball on the Jets 10 yard line (in the red zone) driving for a score to win the game. Keep in mind that the Jets didn't have any timeouts to stop the clock.

The Jaguars quarterback (Garrard) hands the ball off to the running back (Jones-Drew). Jones-Drew runs through the hole, and none of the Jets defensive players are trying to tackle him. The Jets want the ball, and they know that the only way they are going to get it back is if they let him score. Jones-Drew does the smart thing though and falls down at the 1 yard line, allowing the clock to continue to run.

If you didn't understand what was going on by my explanation, watch this video.

If he would have scored, the Jaguars would have been winning 27-22 (with the extra point pending), but the Jets would have gotten the ball back with about 1:30 left on the clock and a chance to win. He didn't score though, so the Jaguars were able to run down the clock by taking a knee a few times and then calling a timeout with only seconds left. The Jaguars kicker (Scobee) kicked the game-winning field goal, as time expired, making the final score 24-22 Jaguars.

Those of you who don't play fantasy football may be asking, "What does any of this have to do with fantasy football." Well, in fantasy football, touchdowns are worth big points and running backs typically score the most. Since running backs score the most, people draft them early and often. So, when Jones-Drew didn't score that touchdown, a lot of his fantasy owners were pissed. He even apologized to them after the game, and he also said that he had himself on his fantasy team, so it was a tough decision for him.

Now, I have no problem with people who play fantasy football, so don't get it twisted. If you enjoy playing it, by all means, do it. It just isn't for me anymore. I used to be like the fantasy owners that were/are mad at Jones-Drew. I couldn't watch a game without thinking about the fantasy football implications. It was no longer enjoyable, at least to me, to actually watch a game. Fantasy football got in the way of my enjoyment of the game, so I stopped doing it.

Well, that's all I have to say about that. You stay classy San Diego.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thank you to all the Veterans

I would just like to take some time out of my day to write a post thanking all the Veterans out there. I am referring to all past, present and future Veterans, but I will try to stick with the present tense in this post.

You are doing a job that I know I could never do. I don't think that you get enough credit for the sacrifices you make everyday. To be away from home for great lengths of time, not able to see your friends and family, that alone is tough enough. Add to it the fact that your life is in danger on a daily basis, that you have to shoot at people, get shot at, deal with bombs, landmines, IEDs and the fucking ice capades. Those two simple truths are enough to make me realize that I could never do what you do. You are all very brave and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I know that I sometimes take my freedoms for granted. Everyone does, at one time or another. Without you though, I wouldn't be able to say whatever the hell I feel like saying. I wouldn't be able to do whatever I feel like doing. I wouldn't be typing this right now. These are all things that I enjoy doing, and without you, I wouldn't be able to do them. So I thank you for that.

And no matter how unhappy I am sometimes, about life and the way the world works, I know that I have it pretty good in this country. It isn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination, and I don't always like it, but I know that I wouldn't be as happy somewhere else. This is the country for me and I'm happy to have been born here. Thank you to all the Veterans for making this country a great place to live. Without you, that most certainly wouldn't be the case.

I'm sure everyone knows at least one Veteran, so be sure to thank them today. They need to know that what they do does not go unnoticed or unappreciated. We must recognize the sacrifices they make for us and today is the day to recognize those sacrifices. That's not to say that you shouldn't recognize those sacrifices any other day, but today it is especially important to recognize the Veterans and to thank them.

In closing, thank you to all the Veterans out there!

Monday, November 09, 2009

My apologies to Billy Mays

It has recently come to my attention that Billy Mays did NOT, I repeat did NOT, die from a cocaine overdose. I made a joke in my previous post, and while it was a joke, I feel the need to clear Billy Mays' good name.

The Mays family disputed the conclusions of the autopsy and paid for an independent examiner to review it. The independent examiner found that cocaine did not contribute to Billy's death, so the initial conclusions made by the Hillsborough County Medical Examiner were wrong.

I'm sure most people will remember the initial report of Billy dying from a cocaine overdose and forget about what actually happened. Billy dying from a cocaine overdose was sensational news to the media, so they jumped all over reporting it. However, the actual facts weren't as good of a story, so they briefly mentioned that he did not die from a cocaine overdose and moved along to the next story.

I am not blaming the media entirely, so don't get me wrong. It is also my fault for not waiting for all the facts to come out and jumping to conclusions. However, I just find it funny that I didn't hear anything about the retraction made by the media, yet I heard a lot more about the initial reports of a cocaine overdose. Remember, this is coming from someone who rarely watches the news, so it just goes to show you how the media operates.

I would also like to say that, even though I made the joke in my previous post, I have always liked Billy Mays. In my opinion, his death was more tragic than Michael Jackson's death. At least Billy was still at the top of his game, unlike MJ who was many years on the decline. And even if Billy did do coke, at least he didn't molest little boys. Maybe I'm wrong about that too though, maybe MJ didn't do that either.

Anyway, I'll leave you with my favorite infomercial done by Billy Mays.

YouTube Video