Sunday, November 22, 2009

I'll take famous titties for 400

Let me start off the post by saying that I know Jeopardy gives you the answer (which is the question), and then you give Alex (that pompous ass) your response in the form of a question (which is the answer). While typing this post, however, I thought it would be confusing to the reader if I referred to the answer (which is the question) as such, and the question (which is the answer) as such. I'm going to call the answer the question, and the question the answer. Confused yet? Read on....

Okay, so on Thursday's (11-19) Jeopardy, there was a question in which I thought the answer strippers applied. Boy, oh boy, was I wrong. The category was Un-Outsourceable (jobs that are not likely to go overseas). Let me first tell you what I thought the question was:

These public service workers who traditionally slide down a pole

Notice the word service. I obviously wasn't paying very good attention, because the actual wording was this (I looked it up on the Internet just now):

These public safety workers who traditionally slide down a pole

The answer was, of course, "What is a fireman." I spent pretty much the rest of the show complaining to my grandma (whom I watch the show with) that my answer would have been acceptable. I even went on about how it was a Celebrity Jeopardy, and one of the celebrities should have just said it for the laughs. I also argued with my grandma that strippers provide a public service just like a fireman (and they do!).

Anyways, I just thought I would share that.

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