Well, here is my bowling speech from week 3:
The Lions started out the first week of the football season with a 20-16 victory over the Bears. Kirby’s Heroes started out the first week of the bowling season with a 4-3 victory over Boedeker Construction. As you can see, both of these contests were very close, but the important thing here is that each team came away with the victory. Both teams hoped that this monument would carry them into week two, but still, no one thought much of either team.
These low expectations, coupled with a strong individual performance by each team’s star player, worked to each respective team’s advantage in week two. The Lions came out with a strong 28-16 triumph over the Texans. Kirby, who was at the game, was probably drunk off his ass by the start of the third quarter. In any event, he could attest to the strong individual performance put forth by the Lions star player, Roy Williams. The road to victory was very much the same for Kirby’s Heroes. Kirby’s Heroes came away with a 7-0 demolition of Team Remax. Kirby, who was at the bowling alley (on time, no less), was definitely drunk off his ass by the start of the third game. At any rate, he obviously didn’t miss the strong individual performance by Donnie in the second game. No disrespect to Team Remax though, they were a much more worthily opponent than the Texans were against the Lions.
Coming into week three, the Lions were firing on all cylinders. Too bad they ran out of gas. In a dismal showing, the Eagles destroyed the Lions, 30-13. In other words, the Lions got their asses handed to them by the Eagles. Now, this is where, I believe, we will differ from the Lions. The Lions faced an obviously superior team in week three. To a certain extent, this is also the case for us in week three. Here me out though, before you get all up in arms about me referring to our team as inferior (that isn’t what I mean).
This week, we face Our Gang, who finished in fourth place during the first half of last seasons. During the second half of last season, we finished in fourth place. This is clearly an equal battle, in terms of where each team finished in each half last year. Nevertheless, we are still seen as the inferior team because we are the unproven team. While most of the other teams in this league have been together for many years, we have only been together for one half season of bowling. This means that other teams perceive us to be unproven, and thusly, we are perceived, by other teams, to be the inferior team.
Whether our opponent thinks of us in this way, either consciously or subconsciously, is of no regard to us. In order to gain respect around the league, we must change this perception right now, this very week. We are a young team (except for Kirby, but he is young at heart), which means that we must show this league the youthful vigor that makes us great.
Each of us displays this youthful vigor in different ways. I not only display it by writing speeches, but I also display it by cracking jokes that aren’t funny sometimes. Is my life over just because I’m not funny all of the time? No, nothing is over until I decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no! I will never stop writing speeches and I will never stop trying to be funny.
Okay, moving right along to my good friend Matt, who just oozes youthful vigor (sometimes in his pants). Matt is a good guy and this bowling team would not be complete without him. I mean, if he wasn’t on the team, then who would buy me peanuts every week? Paul, on the other hand, is like a cancer to this team. Just kidding Paul, but lose the hat man, it is a huge distraction to you. Another important note, Paul will be able to drink (legally), next week at bowling, so we all have that to look forward to.
Not much more can be said about Kirby and Donnie. Kirby demonstrates his youthful vigor by being young at heart. In addition to that, he is the heart and soul of this team. Kirby gives this team courage, which is something a cowardly lion is supposed to do, by taking courage away from the other team with his intimidating presence. Donnie, as I said, is the star of this team. He displays his youthful vigor by punching walls and being our clutch bowler. Kirby might disagree, but Donnie is the anchor of this team, and he is the right man for the job. Kirby would also make a great anchor, and he is also good in the clutch, but he always forgets one important detail. In order to be the anchor, you have to be smarter than an actual anchor, which Kirby is not. I’m kidding Kirby, so go have another beer. Oh, and this time, it is on me. I don’t mean that I’ll pay for it, but I’m sure that you’ll spill it on me, at some point during the night.
In closing, I would just like to say thank you for making it this far in my speech. I would also like to point out that I know that the Germans didn’t bomb Pearl Harbor. The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, but my point remains the same. Anyways, the person who can tell me which movie that quote came from gets a prize. Again, I thank you for your time and may Allah bless your soul. (end of speech)
It obviously didn't help much, we lost all seven points. I don't know, maybe I jinxed us or something with all the comparisons with the Lions. I don't believe that, but that is what Paul said. Kirby said that I am a good write, but I told him that I wasn't that good (because I'm not). He said that I should send some of my stuff into a newspaper, but I think it was the alcohol talking (he wasn't drunk, but that is what I told him). Anyways, that is all I have to update on for now. Good night everyone.
Monday, September 27, 2004
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Well, an update is probably in order, seeing as how I haven't updated in over a week. Not much to talk about though, really. I'm been busy with school/work and that is about it. What can I say, I live a boring life. Um, since I don't have much to talk about, I guess I'll talk about school. Then, maybe, I'll talk about something else, if I can think of anything
My philosophy class is really tearing me up. It is getting me to think of a lot of things that I never thought about, which is good, I guess. I am beginning to see why people are religious. In philosophy, it is what is called the noble risk. Here is the definition: life is short, eternity is long, thus, assume your soul is going to be judged after death and live your life morally. Basically, even if you live for 100 years (which is a long time, in terms of human life), eternity is forever, so wouldn't it be worth it to live those 100 years morally and have eternal happiness. I guess I can respect that, even though I'm not religious. This hasn't change my religious view in anyway, but it sure does get me thinking. I still think religion (in general) is a big waste of time, but I have a newfound respect for it.
Well, I have some disappointing news for you all. I probably won't be coming up with a top ten this month. It isn't that I'm busy or anything, it is just that I'm too lazy to come up with anything worthwhile. I could do another opinion top ten, like my Top Ten Led Zeppelin Songs, but I don't think doing that is enjoyable for the reader. I mean, do you really care about what someone else's opinion is on a subject? Well, you should, but most people don't. I know that I care about other people's opinions on certain subjects, but I disgress. Anyways, the top tens that I put any effort into usually don't turn out too well, at least I don't think so. I've been told I have a weird sense of humor, so that is probably why. I guess what I'm saying is, I'd like your thoughts on my top tens. It doesn't matter which one you comment on (you can comment, under this post, on all of them, if you want), but it would be apperiated if you could leave me a comment regarding them.
I guess that is all I have for you tonight. My good friend Ryan told me about an old/new feature called audio blog or audio post (something of that nature). He said it was a pay for feature, but now they made it free for all the blogger users. So, if you're a blogger user, check it out. It is really cool, you do it over the phone, which means you can keep in touch with your blog, even if you're on the road or if you're too lazy to type or whatever. Anyways, I should be hitting the hay, later everyone.
My philosophy class is really tearing me up. It is getting me to think of a lot of things that I never thought about, which is good, I guess. I am beginning to see why people are religious. In philosophy, it is what is called the noble risk. Here is the definition: life is short, eternity is long, thus, assume your soul is going to be judged after death and live your life morally. Basically, even if you live for 100 years (which is a long time, in terms of human life), eternity is forever, so wouldn't it be worth it to live those 100 years morally and have eternal happiness. I guess I can respect that, even though I'm not religious. This hasn't change my religious view in anyway, but it sure does get me thinking. I still think religion (in general) is a big waste of time, but I have a newfound respect for it.
Well, I have some disappointing news for you all. I probably won't be coming up with a top ten this month. It isn't that I'm busy or anything, it is just that I'm too lazy to come up with anything worthwhile. I could do another opinion top ten, like my Top Ten Led Zeppelin Songs, but I don't think doing that is enjoyable for the reader. I mean, do you really care about what someone else's opinion is on a subject? Well, you should, but most people don't. I know that I care about other people's opinions on certain subjects, but I disgress. Anyways, the top tens that I put any effort into usually don't turn out too well, at least I don't think so. I've been told I have a weird sense of humor, so that is probably why. I guess what I'm saying is, I'd like your thoughts on my top tens. It doesn't matter which one you comment on (you can comment, under this post, on all of them, if you want), but it would be apperiated if you could leave me a comment regarding them.
I guess that is all I have for you tonight. My good friend Ryan told me about an old/new feature called audio blog or audio post (something of that nature). He said it was a pay for feature, but now they made it free for all the blogger users. So, if you're a blogger user, check it out. It is really cool, you do it over the phone, which means you can keep in touch with your blog, even if you're on the road or if you're too lazy to type or whatever. Anyways, I should be hitting the hay, later everyone.
Monday, September 13, 2004
Okay, so my first week of bowling was today. It didn't go so bad, we won four out of seven points. I also gave a speech before bowling. Here it is, for your viewing pleasure:
Gentlemen (and I use that term loosely), we embark on our bowling journey with one thing in mind. No Kirby, I’m not talking about beer, but I’ll get to that. The one thing we should all have on our mind is winning first place. Now, I don’t claim to be a mathematician, but let me break this down for you all very simply. Last year, the Brewers took the first half with a total of 65 points. So, over the 14 week period of the first half, that is an average of just 4.64 points per week. In order to have a chance at first place, we have to win roughly two games every week, along with totals every other week. If we can do that for the 14 week period of the first half, we will end up with 63 points, which should be just about enough to be in contention for first place.
Let’s start with the first order of business, which is, the bowling order for this year. As long as everyone agrees, our bowling order will be the following: Kenny, Matt, Paul, Kirby, and Donnie.
I feel that this order is advantageous to the team. For starters, it gives us a leadoff man who has both of his thumbs. In addition to that, it gives us a leadoff man that doesn’t wear hats, which is a huge distraction to the team. Those are two key qualities that a leadoff man should have, and obviously, Paul doesn’t possess those two qualities. I’m sure Paul has other key qualities that he brings to the team. I’d even go as far as to say that he brings many things to the team…although I can’t think of anything off the top of my head, but I’m sure he brings something to the team. Anyways, Paul is best utilized in the three spot because that is where he is least noticed by the other team, which should be to our advantage. The number two spot, which can only be filled by Matt or me, is best filled by Matt because he then precedes Paul. This should provide our team with a family rivalry, which, I believe, we need to win first place. In addition to that, Matt doesn’t fit the prototypical mold of the fourth or fifth spot, so there is no question as to where he belongs in the order.
The fourth and fifth spots are pretty much up for grabs between Kirby and Donnie. It could really go either way, but I feel that Kirby is best utilized in the number four spot and that Donnie is best utilized in the number five spot. The Japanese have a saying that fits Kirby perfectly, Kill Whitey. No, that isn’t the saying, but Kirby is definitely “the man” on the team. The saying that I was actually looking for goes a little something like this, “The nail that sticks out gets hammered.” Kirby is definitely the nail that sticks out on the team and he gets hammered on a regular basis. Kirby is also the heart and soul of the team, so he belongs in the heart of the order in the number four spot. In addition to that, Kirby has a sort of intimidating factor about him, so that could be used to our advantage to throw off the opposition’s fifth bowler. The reasons for Donnie being in the number five spot are fairly simple. For one, he is good under pressure and can handle the stress of the number five spot. Furthermore, he is smarter than an actual anchor and that much can’t be said about Paul or Kirby.
Okay, so on to the second order of business. If you would like to participate, I encourage you to pick four genre based bowling themes. The four genres are as follows: rock and roll theme, rap theme, movie theme, and television theme. Some people have picked their themes already. Others don’t know about it or refuse to participate. This will be my last time mentioning this, so pick your themes now and tell me what they are.
Let’s raise our glasses, whatever we got in front of us, to salute the start of what should be a great bowling year. I would like to end this speech with my proposed motto for the team: “Today Fernhill, tomorrow the world.” Thank you for your time.
Just an FYI for you all. Fernhill is the bowling alley that we bowl at, so that is what I'm referencing in my motto. I am also referencing Hitler, but I'm not a Nazi, so don't get the wrong idea there. Okay, that is all I got for tonight. Things are going better for me, my grandpa is buried, so that is all over. Classes are going better and life is going better. I can't complain right now, so I leave you on good terms. Thank you and good night.
Gentlemen (and I use that term loosely), we embark on our bowling journey with one thing in mind. No Kirby, I’m not talking about beer, but I’ll get to that. The one thing we should all have on our mind is winning first place. Now, I don’t claim to be a mathematician, but let me break this down for you all very simply. Last year, the Brewers took the first half with a total of 65 points. So, over the 14 week period of the first half, that is an average of just 4.64 points per week. In order to have a chance at first place, we have to win roughly two games every week, along with totals every other week. If we can do that for the 14 week period of the first half, we will end up with 63 points, which should be just about enough to be in contention for first place.
Let’s start with the first order of business, which is, the bowling order for this year. As long as everyone agrees, our bowling order will be the following: Kenny, Matt, Paul, Kirby, and Donnie.
I feel that this order is advantageous to the team. For starters, it gives us a leadoff man who has both of his thumbs. In addition to that, it gives us a leadoff man that doesn’t wear hats, which is a huge distraction to the team. Those are two key qualities that a leadoff man should have, and obviously, Paul doesn’t possess those two qualities. I’m sure Paul has other key qualities that he brings to the team. I’d even go as far as to say that he brings many things to the team…although I can’t think of anything off the top of my head, but I’m sure he brings something to the team. Anyways, Paul is best utilized in the three spot because that is where he is least noticed by the other team, which should be to our advantage. The number two spot, which can only be filled by Matt or me, is best filled by Matt because he then precedes Paul. This should provide our team with a family rivalry, which, I believe, we need to win first place. In addition to that, Matt doesn’t fit the prototypical mold of the fourth or fifth spot, so there is no question as to where he belongs in the order.
The fourth and fifth spots are pretty much up for grabs between Kirby and Donnie. It could really go either way, but I feel that Kirby is best utilized in the number four spot and that Donnie is best utilized in the number five spot. The Japanese have a saying that fits Kirby perfectly, Kill Whitey. No, that isn’t the saying, but Kirby is definitely “the man” on the team. The saying that I was actually looking for goes a little something like this, “The nail that sticks out gets hammered.” Kirby is definitely the nail that sticks out on the team and he gets hammered on a regular basis. Kirby is also the heart and soul of the team, so he belongs in the heart of the order in the number four spot. In addition to that, Kirby has a sort of intimidating factor about him, so that could be used to our advantage to throw off the opposition’s fifth bowler. The reasons for Donnie being in the number five spot are fairly simple. For one, he is good under pressure and can handle the stress of the number five spot. Furthermore, he is smarter than an actual anchor and that much can’t be said about Paul or Kirby.
Okay, so on to the second order of business. If you would like to participate, I encourage you to pick four genre based bowling themes. The four genres are as follows: rock and roll theme, rap theme, movie theme, and television theme. Some people have picked their themes already. Others don’t know about it or refuse to participate. This will be my last time mentioning this, so pick your themes now and tell me what they are.
Let’s raise our glasses, whatever we got in front of us, to salute the start of what should be a great bowling year. I would like to end this speech with my proposed motto for the team: “Today Fernhill, tomorrow the world.” Thank you for your time.
Just an FYI for you all. Fernhill is the bowling alley that we bowl at, so that is what I'm referencing in my motto. I am also referencing Hitler, but I'm not a Nazi, so don't get the wrong idea there. Okay, that is all I got for tonight. Things are going better for me, my grandpa is buried, so that is all over. Classes are going better and life is going better. I can't complain right now, so I leave you on good terms. Thank you and good night.
Friday, September 03, 2004
More Bad News
A few hours ago, I found out that my grandpa died. I really don't know what to say about that, but I feel like I should say something.
I guess I should start off by talking about the good times we had together. The story that stands our in my mind was my first deer hunting trip with him, my dad, and my uncle. If my memory serves me correctly, it was the Friday after Thanksgiving in the year 2000. We actually drove up to Cheboygan right after Thanksgiving dinner (on Thursday), but we didn't go out until Friday morning.
Anyways, we got up at the crack of dawn, got all our gear on, and went off into the woods. We didn't see anything the whole trip, but looking back at it, that didn't matter. The time we spent back at camp was most memorable. He would tell me his war stories (I think he was in the Korean war) and other interesting things about life, in general. He often told the same stories over and over, but again, looking back at it, that wasn't important. The important thing was the time we spent together, because I didn't really like hunting in the first place. I mean, I enjoyed being out in the woods and spending time with my family, but I doubt I could shoot a deer, if given the chance.
Well, I guess that is all I have to say right now. I have to go to work, so that should take my mind off of things, at least I hope so. End of transmission.
I guess I should start off by talking about the good times we had together. The story that stands our in my mind was my first deer hunting trip with him, my dad, and my uncle. If my memory serves me correctly, it was the Friday after Thanksgiving in the year 2000. We actually drove up to Cheboygan right after Thanksgiving dinner (on Thursday), but we didn't go out until Friday morning.
Anyways, we got up at the crack of dawn, got all our gear on, and went off into the woods. We didn't see anything the whole trip, but looking back at it, that didn't matter. The time we spent back at camp was most memorable. He would tell me his war stories (I think he was in the Korean war) and other interesting things about life, in general. He often told the same stories over and over, but again, looking back at it, that wasn't important. The important thing was the time we spent together, because I didn't really like hunting in the first place. I mean, I enjoyed being out in the woods and spending time with my family, but I doubt I could shoot a deer, if given the chance.
Well, I guess that is all I have to say right now. I have to go to work, so that should take my mind off of things, at least I hope so. End of transmission.
Thursday, September 02, 2004
A Serious Post
So here I am. Another day has went by in my life and I feel like I got nothing accomplished. I am starting to doubt college, for some reason or another. I thought that coming home to Macomb would be different, and for a while it was. But now, now it feels the same as when I was at Western. Maybe college just isn't for me, but if not, then what do I do?
For the past few days, I have had a weird feeling, and until just now, I didn't know what it was. I just realized that I am starting to feel the same as when I was at Western. I am starting to doubt that I belong at college, any college, for whatever reason. I don't know, I've been saying to myself that I'll get over it, but it just doesn't seem to happen. Whatever the reason, it sounds like I need therapy or something, lol.
Another little known fact that you may not know about me, I've never had a girlfriend. I don't know if that is weird or not, but I suspect that it is. I've been very shy all my life, and people keep telling me that I need to get out more, which is true. The problem with that is, whenever I think about going out (and this is especially true during school), I feel like I could be spending my time doing something useful (like while I'm in school, doing homework, for example). Also, I don't think any girl would find me attractive, so that is another problem I have.
During school, I spend most of my days either doing homework or worrying that I should be doing my homework. This has been going on since I started college in Western, but it has escalated ever since. I don't know, I think my main problem is my drive for perfection. I don't know why I have that drive, I asked my parents if they cared if I got all A's or not, and they said no. Frankly, I really don't care, but for some reason, I seem to be fixated on it.
As you can see, I have some problems that I need to get over or maybe get some help with. The majority of my problems stem from my lack of self-confidence, which I know I don't have much of. For some reason, I dislike people that are overly confident, but at the same time, I wish I was them. I mean, at least they think they can get the job done (whatever the job might be) and think they can do it right. Me, on the other hand, I often doubt myself. Whenever I'm doing something, I always worry if I'm doing it right or if maybe I did something wrong. I do this with new things mostly, which I guess can be expected, but I seem to overly critical of myself.
I'm sitting here, right now, and listening to Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd. For some odd reason, this song reminds me of my life right now. I think the song is about drug addiction, so that part doesn't pretain to me, but it just seems to sing of my life right now. I am just stressed out at the moment, and I always get this way at the start of the semester, so maybe I'll get over it. I just need to learn to relax a little, and bowling starts soon, so that always helps me relax.
In lighter news, Team U.S.A lost again tonight, 3-1 to the Russians. Wait a tick, that isn't lighter news! Oh well, I guess I'm glad I missed the game, but I did see the box score. Did anyone see the game? If so, could you please fill me in? Did Esche stand on his head again, or did he let in some soft goals? Well, it doesn't look good for team U.S.A., but I guess not much was expected of them. Virtually no one in America likes hockey, so I'm sure that 99% of America could give a fuck less.
I really hope that there is an NHL season, but that too is looking grim. The expiration of the CBA is rapidly approaching (September 15th) and that could mean the beginning of the end for the 2004-2005 NHL season. I don't know whom to blame for this. I mean, I can see the owners point of view. In order to run the business side of things, they want to have cost certainty, so they can plan their budget and all that nonsense. Then, there is the players, who want things to remain status quo, and I can't say that I blame them. I mean, if I were a player, I would want the current system because I can get the market value for myself. As a player, I wouldn't want to have to accept way less than what I'm worth, just so a team can stay under a salary cap. Don't get me wrong, the majority of the players are adequately paid, but I can see it from their perspective.
In retrospect, this just might be the owners fault for not being fiscally responsible in the first place. If the owners would have used the current system correctly, like most have this year, maybe this wouldn't have happened. Instead, you have players like Bobby Holik making 10 millions dollars. Holik isn't worth anything near 10 million dollars, so in reality, it is the owners fault for shelling that kind of money to the non-superstar players (in my opinion, Holik is a second-line player, at best). In addition to that, you have players that you can't really blame for taking the money (like Martin Lapointe, for example). I guess this isn't about whose fault it is, and I really can't blame anyone, but I just hope that there is hockey sometime this century.
Well, I think that is all I have to say tonight. Thanks for making it this far, if you're still with me. Good night everyone.
For the past few days, I have had a weird feeling, and until just now, I didn't know what it was. I just realized that I am starting to feel the same as when I was at Western. I am starting to doubt that I belong at college, any college, for whatever reason. I don't know, I've been saying to myself that I'll get over it, but it just doesn't seem to happen. Whatever the reason, it sounds like I need therapy or something, lol.
Another little known fact that you may not know about me, I've never had a girlfriend. I don't know if that is weird or not, but I suspect that it is. I've been very shy all my life, and people keep telling me that I need to get out more, which is true. The problem with that is, whenever I think about going out (and this is especially true during school), I feel like I could be spending my time doing something useful (like while I'm in school, doing homework, for example). Also, I don't think any girl would find me attractive, so that is another problem I have.
During school, I spend most of my days either doing homework or worrying that I should be doing my homework. This has been going on since I started college in Western, but it has escalated ever since. I don't know, I think my main problem is my drive for perfection. I don't know why I have that drive, I asked my parents if they cared if I got all A's or not, and they said no. Frankly, I really don't care, but for some reason, I seem to be fixated on it.
As you can see, I have some problems that I need to get over or maybe get some help with. The majority of my problems stem from my lack of self-confidence, which I know I don't have much of. For some reason, I dislike people that are overly confident, but at the same time, I wish I was them. I mean, at least they think they can get the job done (whatever the job might be) and think they can do it right. Me, on the other hand, I often doubt myself. Whenever I'm doing something, I always worry if I'm doing it right or if maybe I did something wrong. I do this with new things mostly, which I guess can be expected, but I seem to overly critical of myself.
I'm sitting here, right now, and listening to Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd. For some odd reason, this song reminds me of my life right now. I think the song is about drug addiction, so that part doesn't pretain to me, but it just seems to sing of my life right now. I am just stressed out at the moment, and I always get this way at the start of the semester, so maybe I'll get over it. I just need to learn to relax a little, and bowling starts soon, so that always helps me relax.
In lighter news, Team U.S.A lost again tonight, 3-1 to the Russians. Wait a tick, that isn't lighter news! Oh well, I guess I'm glad I missed the game, but I did see the box score. Did anyone see the game? If so, could you please fill me in? Did Esche stand on his head again, or did he let in some soft goals? Well, it doesn't look good for team U.S.A., but I guess not much was expected of them. Virtually no one in America likes hockey, so I'm sure that 99% of America could give a fuck less.
I really hope that there is an NHL season, but that too is looking grim. The expiration of the CBA is rapidly approaching (September 15th) and that could mean the beginning of the end for the 2004-2005 NHL season. I don't know whom to blame for this. I mean, I can see the owners point of view. In order to run the business side of things, they want to have cost certainty, so they can plan their budget and all that nonsense. Then, there is the players, who want things to remain status quo, and I can't say that I blame them. I mean, if I were a player, I would want the current system because I can get the market value for myself. As a player, I wouldn't want to have to accept way less than what I'm worth, just so a team can stay under a salary cap. Don't get me wrong, the majority of the players are adequately paid, but I can see it from their perspective.
In retrospect, this just might be the owners fault for not being fiscally responsible in the first place. If the owners would have used the current system correctly, like most have this year, maybe this wouldn't have happened. Instead, you have players like Bobby Holik making 10 millions dollars. Holik isn't worth anything near 10 million dollars, so in reality, it is the owners fault for shelling that kind of money to the non-superstar players (in my opinion, Holik is a second-line player, at best). In addition to that, you have players that you can't really blame for taking the money (like Martin Lapointe, for example). I guess this isn't about whose fault it is, and I really can't blame anyone, but I just hope that there is hockey sometime this century.
Well, I think that is all I have to say tonight. Thanks for making it this far, if you're still with me. Good night everyone.
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