Friday, March 12, 2010

The Future of the Blog

Well, I'm going to try something new. Instead of writing long-winded posts a few times a month, I'm going to try to write shorter posts more frequently. I have no idea if this will make me post more, but I hope so. There are times that I want to post, and sometimes I even start to post, but then it becomes so overwhelming that I just stop and delete whatever I wrote. I'll probably still have a few longer posts here and there though. I'm just going to try to make my posts shorter and more frequent (that's what she said?). The plan is to do something similar to how I broke up my posts about how to improve the NHL. There will be multiple posts about the same topic, instead of one long diatribe that readers probably stop reading halfway through. I think that this will make it less overwhelming for me and less boring for you. That's the idea, anyway.

Another change that you won't notice, unless you check like every day, regards the dating of my posts. Most times, I don't have the motivation/time to post something around the day that it is still relevant. For example, let's say I want to write a post about Christmas. I don't have the time to do it on Christmas, but I really want to post something. So, I'll do it a week or two later, but I'll date the post December 25th, even though I really wrote and posted it on January 5th. My logic is that, instead of not posting anything at all, I'll be motivated to post something eventually if I can save it for a later date. To solve my OCD problem of writing posts around relevant dates, I'm just going to change the date of the post to match some sort of relevancy. I'm going to try to be within a couple weeks of the date on the post though, so it's not like I'm going to go back to April 1912 and predict the sinking of the Titanic. I promise to use my powers for good, and only as a way to allow me to post more.

Not that any of this matters much to the handful of people who read this blog, I just thought I'd let you know the plan and logic behind it.

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