Thursday, April 01, 2010


I'm one of those people who can't stand April Fools' Day. I don't know, maybe I'm just the Grinch who stole April Fools'-mas or something. I just cannot stand it. I have no idea if I'm in the majority or minority on this, I really don't care. I hate this day with a passion.

Does anyone really, past a certain age, fall for anything? I mean, sure, when I was younger, I probably fell for things. I can't remember anything offhand, but I'm sure there was something. As you get older though, and you've been through a few April Fools' Days, don't you just become wary of any statement made on April the 1st? Don't you just become immune to it all? I know I am now, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that regard. Some people obviously fall for things on April Fools' Day, or else people wouldn't even attempt to fool them.

So, why do people do it? Why do people try to fool other people? I just have never understood it. What satisfaction do you get out of it? Is it just a fun game that you play to see if you can pull the wool over people's eyes and trick them? I don't know, I just don't see the fun in it because I figure people should know better. It seems like shooting fish in a barrel. I don't consider it an impressive feat to fool people on a day that they should expect it. Maybe I'm giving people too much credit? Are there really people out there that fall for things, on a consistent basis, year after year? Is anybody out there? Anybody there? Does anybody wonder? Anybody care?

I tend to be skeptical by nature, and I'm even more skeptical than normal on April 1st. I don't trust anything I hear from anyone on this day. From the moment the clock strikes midnight on April the 1st, to the moment it strikes midnight on April the 2nd, anything that anyone says is suspect. Any announcement that is made, no matter how major it seems, is questioned. No person, no matter how close they are to me, is to be trusted. I wouldn't even believe my own mother if she called me up and told me she had cancer. No one, under any circumstances, is to be trusted on this day. Absolutely nobody.

Thankfully, as I'm putting the finishing touches on this post, it's no longer April 1st. I won't have to deal with this god awful day for another year. And that's the best part of April Fools' Day, when it's finally over. So until next time...fuck you, San Diego and April Fools' Day.

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