Monday, February 27, 2006

And the real winner of the 2006 Winter Olympics is...

Norway. Don't agree with me? Click here for details. You may have to refresh that window if it doesn't load the first time.

As you can see, looking at the second table, Norway is the real winner of the 2006 Winter Olympics. Based on their talent pool of 4,593,041 people, they won 19 medals. In other words, based on their population, Norway won one medal per 241,739 people. Canada didn't fair too badly either, coming in at 7th with one medal per 1,366,877 people. The United States, finishing second overall in the actual medal count, didn't fair too well when you consider the large talent pool that it has to draw from. When you take into account medal per unit of population, the United States came in at 21st out of a possible 26 countries. Only five countries finished worse than the United States in that regard: Poland, Ukraine, Great Britain, China, and Japan. Not exactly the greatest of company when you think of Winter Olympic success.

I got my population and medal count information from
. I also double checked the CIA's World Fact Book to verify my population numbers, and the CIA's page matched most of the figures I have.

I hope you found my analysis interesting. I sure did.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Weather Reports

I want to know who the hell decided the god damn weather was so important. I'm sitting here watching the Wings/Avs game, and the weather cuts in during the game. They still have the game on split screen, but it's the smaller of the two screens and you can't hear the sound on the hockey game. Listen Channel 4, if I wanted to know what the fucking weather was like outside, I'd look out the window or watch the weather channel. The only reason I'm watching channel 4 is because of the hockey game and I don't apperciate you assholes cutting in every 10 god damn minutes with breaking news about the weather. STOP THE PRESSES. THERE'S A WINTER STORM WARNING IN MICHIGAN. MORE AT 11. I've been hearing about the winter storm warning all day, as has 99.9% of the rest of Michigan, I'm sure. If you don't know what the weather's going to be like by now, you're a god damn retard. I understand that people need to be informed about the weather with the Super Bowl in town, but it can at least wait until intermission. Everybody can wait 40 minutes or so. Okay, I'm sorry. I had to vent about that. It's been driving me crazy all game. Carry on.