Sunday, March 12, 2006

Don't let the Sun go down on me

Unless Sun happens to be the name of a very attractive Asian broad, in which case I would be more than happy to let the Sun go down on me.

Speaking of the Sun, I found this article very interesting. Imagine that. Here we are, in the year 2006, and there still are some people that believe solar eclipses are caused by something other than the moon passing in front of the Sun. I can't even imagine that. What a world it must have been, before scientific thought.

Even in modern times, people continue to attribute natural phenomenon to something that can easily be explained by science. Take rain, for example. One of my co-workers said to me, and I quote, "It was awfully nice of the Lord to wash my car." We were walking to our cars after work and he was referring to the rain, obviously. I didn't know what to say, so I just smiled and said yeah. The guy is a nice guy and everything, I have nothing bad to say about him. I do, however, wish to express my regret that some people still think that the weather is caused by a God.

I came across the following quote today from Oscar Wilde:

"But what is the difference between literature and journalism? ...Journalism is unreadable and literature is not read. That is all."

This blog has the great distinction of being both unreadable and not read. I should feel honored. That is all, indeed.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

28 Days Later

Is it just me, or does anyone else have a problem with the fact that Black History month is in February? I mean, February is the shortest month of the year. You would think that whoever came up with Black History month would have chose a different month. You can't do any worse than February when it comes to the length of the month. Even on Leap Year, it is the shortest month of the year. 28 days (29 on Leap Year) and it's over. It really is a shame it ended so quick. I didn't even get a chance to celebrate. Oh well. Better luck next year.

I've decided to give up my virginity for Lent. Any takers? Initially, I was going to try to give up blinking, but I figured that was next to impossible (it would have been quite impressive though, if I could go 40 days without blinking). I was also throwing around the idea of giving up breathing for Lent, but again, another lost cause. Oh, and since I can't eat meat on Friday, I'm doing double duty when it comes to beating the meat. Too much information? Maybe. But a guy's gotta compensate some how.

Oh, and just for the record. I'm not giving up anything for Lent. I'm eating meat on Friday, and whenever the hell else I want. And I'm going straight to hell. I'll send you all a postcard. That's all, for now. Good day, sir. I SAID GOOD DAY!!!